Did things get really crap, or did I just get old?


I had a rather epic gym session this morning. And I’m not talking about the usual brand of epic. In case you’re wondering what that is, it basically involves:

a) Making it through the door (doesn’t matter how little exercise I do once there, you definitely lose weight just from “going” to the gym, right?)

b) And staying for more than 20 minutes without:

i) falling off treadmill

ii) having internal meltdown at sight of lycra-clad 100 pound nymphettes

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Lady Gaga got burned by Die Antwoord

It’s been a while, but if anything was going make me come back after an 18 month silence, it was going to be  something related to Lady Gaga’s vagina. And imagine, the days when I posted regularly were when we all speculated whether she actually had one!*

Basically, the world’s self-appointed freakiest pop star has been burned, badly, by a far lesser known South African group – and not only have they left her licking her wounded ego, they have alerted us to the fact that they effortlessly do what she has always tried to do; give out some strong political messages while simultaneously freaking the shit out of people.

I admit, I probably only knew who Die Antwoord were because I have  a South African boyfriend. But I’m under the impression that most people who are really interested in music and the weird and wonderful genres it brings us will have heard of them. If you haven’t, just imagine a big bloke who looks like he should have been cast as an extra in The Hills Have Eyes, rapping and gurning, while a little blonde pixie creature jumps around squeaking the F word a lot.

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Oscars 2010: And more people wore more stuff

As well as the event itself, the after-parties cultivated yet even more outfits to ogle, especially the Vanity Fair one.  And you know what?  That bloody Cameron Diaz only went and did it AGAIN later in the night.

Like the dress she wore for the ceremony, this is glitzy, glam and super-flattering but also makes her look youthful.  Another huge thumbs-up.

I think we can now finally forgive her for that time she kept wearing bowler hats.

Continue reading “Oscars 2010: And more people wore more stuff”

Another day, another Lady Gaga fashion statement

Most people get up in the morning and throw on a pair of trousers and a top.

But it was just another day for Lady Gaga, as she got up, rolled about in flour, put on a bikini, rolled about in flour some more, stuck a load of pearls on her face and body, rolled about in flour and finished the look off with a hat and jacket.  And then probably rolled about in flour again.

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Lady Gaga’s grammy dress

Of course Lady Gaga wore the most eye catching dress.  Of course.  I’m often torn between admiring her unique style and rolling my eyes at how hard she’s trying to be different, but I have to say, yellow hair aside this Barbarella-cum-Dancing On Ice number is actually really beautiful.

I mean, yeah it’s batshit crazy, but in all seriousness if I made a living from acting the loon as she does, I would totally wear this.  In fact I wish I could wear this, but it doesn’t seem very pub-friendly, especially the big spiky ball thing.